Join the Never Rest Legacy Challenge!

Activate your immediate matching donation to build a better world – today and in the future.

$1,542,226 out of our $5,000,000 goal reached



Complete and disclose your future gift by December 31, 2022.

Your support helps us protect the majestic badlands of Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah in New Mexico. (Harry Hayashi / Getty Images)

Your Future Gift, Matched Today

Thanks to the generosity of three Earthjustice champions, we are honored to announce a remarkable $5 million Never Rest Legacy Challenge. Between now and December 2022, when you disclose a legacy gift created for Earthjustice in your will, trust, or by beneficiary designation, your future gift will be matched by an immediate cash donation equal to 10% of its estimated value.

If you have ever considered creating a bequest or other legacy gift for Earthjustice, now is the perfect time. To activate your matching donation, please tell us about your future gift below. Sharing your gift intention with us now will increase your impact today and into the future.

How the Never Rest Legacy Challenge Match Works

Through this ambitious and generous legacy challenge, you have the opportunity to help unlock $5 million in matching donations this year, money that will directly impact our current legal efforts to secure a just, climate-resilient planet for all. In addition, the Never Rest Legacy Challenge aims to attract more than $50 million in estate gifts, future support that will allow Earthjustice, the greatest environmental legal team ever assembled, to continue defending communities, wildlife, and the natural world for decades to come.

Click on each of the steps below to learn how to get involved.

Create a legacy gift for Earthjustice

Legacy gifts signify your long-standing commitment to Earthjustice as we defend the planet and all living things. Here are some ways to create a future gift for us and join the Never Rest Legacy Challenge.

Gifts in Your Will or Trust

With a few words, you can include a bequest for Earthjustice in your will or trust. Here is sample language:

I give to Earthjustice, a nonprofit corporation currently located at 50 California Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94111, federal tax ID number 94-1730465, or its successor thereto, ______________* for its unrestricted use and purpose.

*Specific amount, percentage of the estate, or description of property.

Gifts by Beneficiary Designation

Naming Earthjustice as a beneficiary on bank accounts, retirement accounts, DAFs, and other assets takes only minutes and is a powerful way to create your environmental legacy. To take the next step, complete a beneficiary designation form from your fund’s administrator.

To designate Earthjustice as a beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan or other financial account, please use the following information:
Legal name: Earthjustice
Address: 50 California Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94111
Federal Tax ID number: 94-1730465

Establish a Life Income Gift

Charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts are future gifts that pay you a fixed annual income. When you create a new life income gift of $10,000 or more before December 31, 2023, your initial gift will be matched by an outright donation equal to 10% of its value.

To learn more about making a gift in your will to Earthjustice, request these complimentary resources:

Get Free Resources

To disclose the value of your legacy gift and activate your matching donation, tell us about your gift below.

If Earthjustice is already in your estate plans, we extend our deepest gratitude. Your commitment helps us achieve our goals and build a better world. To ensure your future gift is matched by an outright donation today, submit information about your gift here.

You will help defend our cherished environment today

by activating an immediate matching donation from our committed sponsors, money that will directly support Earthjustice’s current goals, including the enforcement of laws that protect communities, wildlife, and the natural world.

You will inspire other people to support Earthjustice

by allowing us to recognize your long-standing commitment to our work. As always, if you prefer to remain anonymous, we will honor your choice.

You are welcomed into The Evergreen Council

a special community of Earthjustice supporters who believe that legacy gifts are a powerful way to protect the future of the planet we love.

Join the Never Rest Legacy Challenge

A purple gallinule slinks over lily pads in the Everglades, where Earthjustice litigates to stop the degradation of Florida’s natural landscape. (Diana Robinson Photography / Getty Images)